Ben's Engineering Blog

This site is a static site generated with 11ty. The posts are written in Markdown. After the build, it is post-optimized with Jampack (compresses and checks the HTML 11ty generates). I wrote the styling/CSS myself, rather than using a theme. I make the banners with Figma, either using my own photographs or DALL.E generations.

It is hosted on GitHub Pages. I edit the markdown files by switching between VS Code, Helix, and Obsidian. Once ready, I push them to a GitHub repository, where a push hook builds and deploys the site using crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages.

I collect analytics using Cloudflare web analytics. I only really want to know whether 10 or 10,000 people read a post, but it gives other information like the times visited, locations and referrers. Unfortunately, you can only view three months and can't export data to any format other than a PDF screenshot 😑 (pls add CSV 🙏). But I do get backups via automated weekly emails.