Ben's Engineering Blog

JIT Hydration

Published on Tuesday 24th November 2020

What is hydration? It is typically refers to the act of making statically rendered markup interactive.

But what is interactive? Interactivity is added by attaching event listeners and setting the scene for those listeners to be able to change the view. The aim of this step is to make the page indifferent to it being client side rendered.

So how do frameworks add event listeners to the existing markup?

Many frameworks do this by rendering the markup again. The rendering identifies where the elements with listeners are. And from knowing their position they can attach to existing markup. To render the application first requires hydrating the state. For example with React:


(Something like that I think)

But the issue here is to add the event listeners the component needs to be rendered and for it to be rendered it needs to have some data / state.

This is where hydration comes in. In order to render this "frame" it needs some data.

Standard client side rendered sites would make a HTTP request to the backend API to get the data on initial mount. But this is a separate request, there may have been changes to the data in the time between rendering the page, getting it to the client and the client parsing and running the script. The difference in the data could break things. The other issue is that this is a totally new request and (without backend caching) would have to make another request to the database which is expensive.

So the solution a lot of frameworks use is to send the data down as a JSON blob with the request

        window.__data__ = JSON.parse(`
                "articles": [
                        "title": "Tips for performant TypeScript"
    <h1>Tips for performant TypeScript</h1>
        window.__data__ = JSON.parse(`
                "articles": [
                        "title": "Tips for performant TypeScript"
    <h1>Tips for performant TypeScript</h1>
This is has some overhead because the data is effectively sent down twice

There is also the fact JSON is difficult to work with due to its difficult to represent complex types such as Date and other things like cyclic references etc. Also that some JSON blobs are quite large especially if there are long lists of objects. And using raw JS object literals can be slow due to the way they are parsed.

Additionally some parts of this object were not used in the render and so will not be needed in the re-render. In a large number of cases this object contains more data than was needed.

Time to interactive can be decreased because the whole state has to be parsed, evaluated and the application rendered before a single event listener has been added. This problem also occurs for static site generation as well. Any sort of process of generating markup before hand (which is beneficial) where that markup needs client side reactivity needs to do some sort of hydration.

This issue is something framework authors and developers are aware of and actively working on:

Partial hydration is one technique that is being considered. Using partial hydration in a app you split up the application so there are multiple sources. Instead of a single hydrate call there are multiple invocations under some components. This way you can prioritize reactive elements and ignore static elements. See popular RFCs from these frameworks; Svelte, react, angular.

But most implementations seems quite manual to implement. It also seems difficult to how this plays out with what is a static element and what needs to be reactive.

But today I'll introduce a different approach: JIT hydration

The fastest interactivity would be prioritizing adding event listeners. A non VDOM system doesn't need state to find event listeners. Instead the frameworks compiler could mark elements with event listeners and these could be added with the combination of local state in custom elements and this.querySelector("#element_identifier").addEventListener.

State still needs to be hydrated to be accessible at the JS runtime. But to prevent the double data problem the values would be hydrated from the rendered DOM and they could be done on access just in time (JIT).

And this is what I have written into my own framework Prism. One of the features is JIT hydration:


And this is working quite well here on my Hacker News clone


It is compiled with the Prism compiler and all the rendered data can be JIT hydrated in while none of the payloads send any sort of JS(ON) state blobs.

You can read more about the Hacker News clone here

JIT hydration has the effect of a fully hydrated page but at lower cost to the client.

So what are the features and benefits of Prism's JIT hydration?

  • On load, the only logic is attaching event listeners. This leads to a decrease in the time to interactive (TTI)
  • Loading state is deferred until needed
  • Loading in state is done on a per property basis rather than everything at once so the lazy-ness does not come at a significant cost
  • Smaller HTML payload sizes due to not needing JSON state
  • Resolved complications for objects that cannot be represented in JSON (looking at you Date 👀), cycles etc

Although values in the DOM are all strings Prism converts the strings to the correct types. As can been seen from the id and score value on each story in the state. Values are also cached after being pulled in during hydration. The logic for doing is invariant and JS is cached between requests. The JSON blob is different and so is sent down on ever new full page.


While it has it's benefits, JIT hydration is difficult to implement. For it to work effectively there needs to be more complex and analysis and code generation work done at build time. It needs to be established where state is interpolated and how that can be reversed to be read at runtime.

There are also complications as components now have a virtualized or computed state. Another fact is that child components can have state before the parent does. To do the immediate event listeners addition without state there needs to be markers in the markup as where elements are. Prism does this with a combination of classes added at build time and custom elements. Using these markers alleviates the need to "render" the whole application.

There is also complexities around values that are not represented literally in the DOM. For example the href on the link tags are interpreted as /i/${id}. Prism has a limited expression reversal and here creates a slice expression to get the id value. But for more complex expressions it breaks down, especially for not 1:1 expressions where it is impossible.

So yeah, this is super early and experimental stuff. If you have any questions or feedback it would be great to leave them in the comments.

You can follow me and the development of Prism @kaleidawave